What is CSR?
The extent to which a business addresses the concerns and obligations to its wider stakeholders
The actions a business takes over and above the minimum required by law in addressing societal needs and wants
CSR is based on the idea that the needs of business and society are interdependent
Society needs business
- Employment & wages
- Investment & innovation
- Profits & taxes
Business needs society
- Create demand
- Public assets and infrastructure
- Legal protection
Key CSR questions
- What is the purpose of the business?
- What contribution should businesses make to society?
The Debate on Social Responsibility
- Not all business organisations behave in a socially responsible manner
- Some argue that that it is not the job of businesses to be concerned about social issues and problems
- Two schools of thought:
- Free market view: the job of business is to create wealth for shareholders
- Corporate social responsibility view: business should be concerned with social issues
The Stakeholder Concept
- Businesses do not have an unquestioned right to operate in society
- Those managing businesses should recognise that they depend on society
- Business relies on inputs from society and on socially created institutions
- There is a social contract between business and society involving mutual obligations.
Arguments for CSR
- The ethical thing to do
- Improves a businesses image and reputation
- Necessary in order to avoid excessive regulation
- Socially responsible actions can be profitable
- Improved social environment benefits business
- Helps attract investors
- Can increase employee motivation
- Helps to correct the social problems caused by business
Arguments against CSR
- The only social responsibility of the business is to create shareholder wealth
- The efficient use of resources will be reduced if businesses are restricted in how they act
- Businesses cannot decide what is in society’s interest
- Extra costs will be incurred which must be passed on to consumers
- CSR stifles innovation