- Diaphragm contracts and becomes flatter (typically dome-shaped)
- Digestive organs pushed down
- (External) intercostal muscles contract
- Ribcage rises
- Volume of thorax increases
- Pressure inside thorax decreases below atmospheric pressure
- Air is forced into the lungs

- Diaphragm relaxes
- Diaphragm pushed up by displaced organs underneath
- (External) intercostal muscles relax
- Ribcage falls
- Volume of thorax decreases
- Pressure inside thorax increases above atmospheric pressure
- Air is forced out of the lungs

Feature | Inhalation | Exhalation |
Diaphragm | Contracts + flattens | Relaxes, becomes dome shaped |
Digestive Organs | Pushed Down | Push Diaphragm up |
Intercostal Muscles | Contract | Relax |
Ribcage | Rises | Falls |
Chest Cavity | Volume increases | Volume decreases |
Thorax | Pressure decreases | Pressure increases |
Air | Forced IN | Forced OUT |
Exchange Surfaces