- Conservation, preservation and management of the environment and natural resources
- Two types:
- In situ
- Ex situ
- maintains genetic diversity and ability to adapt
- preserves interdependent relationships
- cheaper
- eg wildlife reserves, marine conservation zones
- normally used in conjunction with in-situ measures
- eg, botanical gardens, seed banks, captive breeding programs
Conservation Agreements
International Union for Conservation of Nature
- Publishes conservation status of threatened animals (RED list)
- Establishment of CITES (Convention on Internal Trade of Endangered Species)
- regulates international trade of plant/animal specimens and their products
The Rio Convention
- Convention of Biological Diversity—strategies for sustainable development
- United Nations framework convention on climate change—agreement to stabilise greenhouse gases.
- United Nations Convention to combat desertification
- prevents transformation of fertile land to desert
- reduce the effects of drought
Countryside Stewardship Scheme
- Enhance and conserve English landscape
- sustain beauty and biodiversity
- improve/extend/create habitats for wildlife
- restoring neglected land, conserving archaeological/historic features
- improve opportunities for countryside enjoyment
- now replaced by the Environment Stewardship Scheme